transposition 015
©2023 Sascha Mikloweit & VG Bild-Kunst, Photo: Manuel Pandalis, Amanda Holmes, National Archives of Namibia
Death of an epistemic object, transposition 015 (re-existence) © 2023 Sascha Mikloweit & VG Bild-Kunst
transposition 015 (re-existence)
Sascha Mikloweit
Tsumeb Mine, Namibia; Mineralogical Museum University Bonn, Germany
Performance, Opaque Relational Practice, Process Sculpture, Aesthetic Systems Analysis
300kg sediment, Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb Namibia; Mineral object with colonial heritage (Mineralogical Museum University Bonn collection object #50592); Bureaucratic process; Export / import procedure Namibia / Germany
Dimension and form variable
06/2022 Export via TU Berlin permit not possible.

07/2022 Involvement Goethe Institut Namibia. Start of cooperation.

08/2022 Communication with the private Tsumeb Museum regarding landownership rights of the Tsumeb Mine areal.

08/2022 Involvement of German Embassy, Windhoek, Namibia. Start of cooperation.

09/2022 Involvement department of Mining in the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Namibia via National Earth Sciences Museum.

09/2022 Involvement of Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, Namibia, Director of National Heritage and Culture Programmes.

10/2022 Department of Mining in the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Namibia is determined as being the responsible party to grant permission.

10/2022 Mikloweit contacts the Tsumeb Municipality directly to request permission for extraction of the sediment. Start of direct cooperation with the Tsumeb Municipality.

10-11/2022 Namibia field trip Mikloweit.

10/2022 Beginning of the ongoing collaboration with the Tsumeb Municipality.

22/10/2022 Extraction of 300kg of sediment of no commercial value from the edge of the crater of the former open pit mine (the place that once has been “The Green Hill”). The extraction took place as a collaborative act together with Tsumeb Municipality.

24/10/2022 Transport of the sediment from Tsumeb to Windhoek and intermediate storage at the National Earth Sciences Museum, Windhoek, Namibia.

04/11/2022 The export permit is handed to Mikloweit at the Department of Mining in the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Windhoek, Namibia.

05/11/2022 Handing over of the export permit to the research team of TU Berlin who handles the final export procedure via their contractor.

29/11/2022 Handing over of the sediment to the export contractor.

01/12/2022 Customs issue with the declaration on the export permit. Export permit is returned to the Department of Mining in the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Windhoek, Namibia.

02/12/2022 Corrected export permit is returned to customs office. Sediment in transit.

07/12/2022 Sediment arrives in Germany via Cologne/Bonn Airport. Transport to Mineralogical Museum University Bonn.

12/2022-04/2023 Storage of sediment at the Mineralogical Museum University Bonn.

04-06/2023 The sediment becomes part of the exhibition “We Build Our Languages Out Of Rocks—Transpositional Geologies”.

06/2023 The colonial collection object #50592 of the Mineralogical Museum University Bonn originating from the Tsumeb Mine, Namibia was pulverised in the crusher room of the Institute of Geosciences, Department of Geochemistry/ Petrology, in the basement of Poppelsdorfer Schloss on 05/06/2023, 1333h by Mikloweit, Baum, Neumann.
Its remaining pulverised substance is now reunited with the earth of Tsumeb.

09/2023 The enriched sediment will be reimported to Namibia.

09/2023 Intermediate storage of the enriched sediment at the Goethe Institut Namibia.

11/2023 Mikloweit: 2nd field trip Namibia and exhibition in Tsumeb, Namibia. In the framework of the exhibition hosted by the Tsumeb Municipality the enriched sediment will be given back—in a collaborative act with Tsumeb Municipality—to the precise place where it was extracted on the 22/10/2022.